Ms. Kelly O’Connor, Director of Religious Education Office/Cell:(413)213-6624 Email:
General Information
The Religious Education program is meant to supplement the Religious formation already happening in the home. Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children.
St. Patrick Church will assist parents in teaching their children by providing a safe environment to learn and share their faith.
It is expected that any child that does not attend a Catholic private school should attend a Religious Ed program. Every year is an important stepping stone in a child’s Faith Journey, not just the sacramental years.
Confirmation Prep
Confirmation Prep is for students in 7th grade-12th Grade who are preparing to make their Confirmation.
This program meets 2 Sundays a month from 8:00am-9:45am which includes 9:00am Mass attendance, unless noted.
It is a recommended 3 year program.
7th Grade - Confirmation Prep 1 - The Creed & Liturgy
8th Grade - Confirmation Prep 2 - Morality & Social Justice
9th-12th Grade - Confirmation
** 9th Grade students attending Pope Francis or St. Mary's High School must register with the Religious Ed Office. They will attend Confirmation Prep classes at their high school but will receive the sacrament at their Family's Home parish.
Our Elementary Program is for students in 1st-6th Grade. First Communion Preparation is also part of this program.
This program meets on Sundays from 10:00am-11:00am.
1st Grade - First Communion Prep
2nd Grade - First Communion (sacrament in May)
3rd & 4th Grades - The Church
5th & 6th Grade - Old Testament
hesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is for students ages 3-5 years old.
This is a Montessori - hands on style of learning that was launched at our parish in the Fall of 2023.
Forms and Schedules
Adult Education
St. Patrick’s offers a variety of programs for adults to deepen the knowledge of the faith.
RCIA is run by Arden Lowe.
Our Bible Sharing at St. Patrick’s is on Monday’s at 6pm. No preparation is necessary. All are welcome.
Faith In Action- meets monthly to review the progress of ongoing programs and to plan new opportunities to share with parishioners.
To register for programs please contact Gwen Blanchard- Administrative Assistant. Gwen can be contacted at the parish office during regular hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm, Friday 9:00am-12:00pm at 532-2850 or emailed at