Hospital, Nursing Home & Home Visits
Visits are made to our local nursing homes and hospitals. Volunteers go to Holyoke Hospital daily to bring Communion and visit the sick. Visits are made to other hospitals when we have been informed that a parishioner is homebound. We welcome the opportunity to minister to the sick and appreciate being updated. If you would like to add a parishioner, or volunteer to make visits, please call Deacon Dave at 413-213-6625.
If anyone is unable to attend Mass or sick at home and would like to receive Communion, please call 532-2850.
Parish Nurses
Parish Nurses serve the people of St. Patrick’s with prayer and sacramental ministration, as well as wellness programs.
The Sacrament of the Sick is celebrated the third Sunday of each month at noon.
Blood pressures are taken on the third Wednesday from 5-6pm in the Social Center (during Spaghetti Supper).
Educational events on health and wellness are offered as needed.
For information about the parish nurses or to join them, please call Linda Komer at 536-2580.
Food Pantry
St. Patrick’s food pantry provides food to individuals and families in need. The pantry is made possible through the generous donations of our parishioners. Donations can be left in the back of the church. The pantry operates by calling 532-2850 between 9am and 3pm.
Emergency Meals
Our parish program reaches out to make and deliver meals for families in crisis and for people in need. Volunteers are always welcomed, please contact the rectory.