Knights of Columbus Council 1721 
The Knights are always looking for new members. Any Catholic males over 18 are welcome to join. Very good life insurance plan available. If you’d like to join, please contact Grand Knight Paul Tardif at 413-538-9677.
South Hadley VFW Post 3104 and Sea Scout Ship 303
Spaghetti Supper- Suspended
Third Wednesday of the month year-round from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at St. Patrick’s Social Center.
St. Patrick’s Ladies Guild
The purpose of the Ladies Guild is Spiritual, Charitable and Social. All women of the parish are invited to join us for meetings on the third Wednesday of the month throughout most of the year. We recite the Rosary, have a brief business meeting and listen to an interesting speaker. Dues are $10.00 per year.
Guild members work throughout the year to raise funds for our parish, local organizations and charities. We also award scholarships to graduating high school seniors from our parish. Fundraisers include Lenten lunches, cash calendars, raffles and card sales.
For more information, please call Eileen Sullivan at 413-532-1120.