Dear Religious Ed Families and Volunteers,
I hope this message finds you and your family healthy and well. I am contact you regarding St Patrick’s response to the everchanging situation surrounding COVID-19.
Governor Baker has ordered all schools to remain closed until at least May 4. Because of this, our Religious Education Program for this year has come to an end. This does not mean your child’s Religious Education ends, though. You, as always, are your children’s primary teacher. Please continue to practice your faith with your children through prayer and loving actions. For up-to-date information, please follow us on Facebook @stpatricksh or check our website:
Confirmation & 1st Communion
Bishop Rozanski has stated that Confirmation and First Communion/Penance be postponed until possibly the Fall. As soon as I get more information and possible dates, I will reach out to all the sacramental families.
Keeping the Faith
I am currently working on weekly emails starting next week of information, website links, ideas, and possible work for each grade. The work packets are not mandatory, at the moment, but may change especially for the Confirmation & 1st Communion classes. It is more a helping hand in keeping the faith.
Fr. James is LIVE streaming Mass Monday-Saturday at 7:00am and Sunday at 9:00am on our YouTube channel: St Patrick South Hadley. You can also watch the recorded stream on Facebook.
I have also included a flyer about Confessions & Spiritual Direction times, and Adoration & Benediction LIVE streaming.
Operation: Spreading a Smile
I am asking all families in participating in “Operation: Spreading a Smile” which involves sending a card, note, or drawing to a local nursing home resident. These residents could use a smile because they are lonely and missing their families & regular visitors. This is open to everyone. Jr. High & High School students will receive 1 hour of required service for every 2 envelopes you send. Just email me a photo of the envelopes with a stamp & address on them. I will list the addresses of places to send them including Fr. James and Padre.
Fr. James Nolte & Padre – 30 Main St, South Hadley, MA 01075
To a Resident at Loomis Village – 20 Bayon Dr, South Hadley, MA 01075
To a Resident at Mount St Vincent c/o Debra Casey – 35 Holy Family Rd, Holyoke, MA 01040
*** Update – Holyoke Soldier’s Home is no longer excepting any mail.
I know our program year is over and our church is closed but please keep practicing your faith. Let us not lose hope in the Lord during this time of uncertainty. He reminds us to lay our burdens at His feet. Please continued to prayer as a family with us for those suffering in body, mind, and spirit. Also, prayer for those working in the healthcare and support systems.
You can also contact me by email: anytime. To contact me by phone during regular office hours (Monday-Friday 9am-2pm), please call (413)213-6624.
Blessings to you and yours,
Ms. Kelly